"Nurses Die, Doctors Fall Sick and Panic Rises on Virus Front Lines" -NY Times
My heart goes out to doctors and nurses who are demonstrating the true meaning of courage, namely, acting with grace and dignity and doing their jobs in spite of their fear of contracting COVID-19 (and many have come down with the illness and many more are likely to become ill and possibly die). Courage is acting bravely in spite of fear, not the absence of fear. But it is not only doctors and nurses who are on the front lines. I think of my social work colleagues at several hospitals where I worked in Columbus, Ohio who also have direct contact with patients. When the media points out the bravery of doctors and nurses wouldn't it be nice if they included all health care workers for recognition, which would include anyone who is at heightened risk by virtue of the fact that they work in a hospital (cleaning staff, patient care attendants, etc.)? I cannot help myself in advocating for broad recognition of all who are demonstrating courage-which includes all hospital staff. God bless all of them.