"Is ‘social distancing’ the wrong term? Expert prefers ‘physical distancing,’ and the WHO agrees." - Washington Post
The term social distancing is highly misleading and sends entirely the wrong message. The term attempts to convey the idea that in order to curtail the spread of the Coronavirus medical experts recommend physical separation of 6-10 feet between people. It is a mystery as to where the term social distancing originated because it is non-sensical. How is it possible to distance while also being social? This is not a trivial play on words. People already feel lonely, isolated and removed from one another due to the COVID 19 pandemic. To encourage social distancing is precisely the wrong message. Physically distancing should be encouraged while also maintaining social connection from a safe physical distance. Maintaining social connections in a time of crisis is critically important for mental health. I discuss with my clients the the need for social connections while also abiding by common sense precautions.