
PTSD Leslie Szasz PTSD Leslie Szasz

Domestic Violence Reform

Frequently, not only are victims re-traumatized by being asked deeply personal questions that may or may not be relevant to the crime committed, they are not afforded appropriate medical exams such as brain scans checking for TBIs.

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PTSD Bill Bradley PTSD Bill Bradley

Police Under Fire

Over the past few years what has always been a very dangerous and stressful profession has become even more hazardous and challenging. Law enforcement has historically been an unappreciated, underpaid and unheralded occupation and it is becoming increasingly worse.

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PTSD Leslie Szasz PTSD Leslie Szasz

The Effectiveness of EMDR for Sexual Trauma

I have discovered that often the only truly effective treatment for sexual and emotional abuse is EMDR. Shame, guilt and low self worth are often debilitating emotions resulting from sexual and emotional abuse.

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